A disaster struck Turkey and Syria while we were in the comfort of our homes.
The earthquake was one of the greatest tragedies in the region, many have passed away due to the fatality and others have been injured.
We as a community are deeply upset and hurt with this calamity.
Our condolences and prayers go out to each individual who has passed away and those who are injured.
Please be generous in your donations and give for the sake of Allah (awj)
You can also help by donating online:
Muslim Community and Education Centre
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-99-86
Account Number: 01198920
Ref: Turk-Syr
May Allah (awj) make it easier for the families, grant them ease and patience as well as those who have passed away grant them the highest rank in Jannah, Ameen.
Please remember the brothers and sisters and young children in your prayer.